Club Kit
This page has been created to provide you with the opportunity of viewing and ordering official items of clothing used by Wear Valley ASC. If the information you require is not shown or if you would like further information on the kit being provided, please contact us and we will do our best to help.
Order your kit directly from our page at "Wear Valley ASC - Cre8ive Clothing" or click on the individual links shown below:
- Classic Hoodie with logo embroidered onto left
- Cool Polo Shirt with logo embroidered onto left
- Cool Shorts with logo embroidered onto left leg
- Cool T-Shirt with logo embroidered onto left
- Cuffed Beanie with logo embroidered onto front
- Pom Pom Beanie with logo embroidered onto front
- Training Pants with logo embroidered onto left leg
- Training Top with logo embroidered onto left
Order your kit directly from our page at Wear Valley ASC - Cre8ive Clothing